Subject: WXREPORT: V1.2 BBS Weather Re... Author: Steve Hardt Uploaded By: HSDEVELOP Date: 3/2/1996 File: WXREPORT.ZIP (79841 bytes) Estimated Download Time (25094 baud): < 1 minute Download Count: 602 Needs: An UnZIPing Program, BBS Software, Access to DTC DUA Keywords: Hardt, Reporter, Forecast, Location, Display, DTC DUAT Type: Shareware Uploaded by Author The Weather Reporter is a simple means of being able to display current weather for different locations that you can choose. WXCALLER will call the weather service and down load Local, State, and Zone weather reports for all selected areas. WXREPORT is the door program that is used to display the weather reports that were downloaded with WXCALLER. In order for you to be able to use this program, you must be able to access DTC DUAT. This is a service available free to all pilots. Information on how to access DTC DUAT is included in the documentation. Limitations of Unregistered Version: - Only one area can be selected - Only one call to DTC DUAT allowed per day New since previous version: - Fixed minor display bugs. - Fixed error in error logging routine. - Made remote operation more bullet proof. - Added extended error logging. Documentation: SYSOP.DOC Downloads of Previous Version(s): 225